
I delivered my baby via emergency C-section because..

These are just my thoughts on why it happened:

  • I was just sleeping all day.
  • I only walked a little. 30 minutes 3-4 times a week.
  • I ate and ate. I got big.
  • I carried heavy things. When it flooded, I and my husband were able to bring our fridge to the second floor.
  • I had HIGH TOLERANCE to pain. I knew I was in labor but was still able to bear it. Didn't ask for the nurse's help.
  • I was worried if I pushed continuously during the labor, my baby would get stressed (which is bad for them).
About to deliver via C-section


  • The induction didn't work out. I was induced for 4 hours, with injectable dosages every hour, but didn't go through much pain.
  • My cervix was just 2cm open.
  • My water changed its color. My baby could have already secreted something inside.
  • My baby was 42-43 weeks. I reached my limit. She couldn't stay more.

What I did to prevent it from happening:

  • I went jogging, jumping, for my last three weeks.
  • I ate pineapple for the last three weeks.
  • I pushed whenever I felt a little pain.

  • I have changed my view towards cesarean section delivery. The recovery process was really tough (I've recovered)
  • My baby is healthy, and I was fit to breastfeed her.

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