
Valentine's Day 2014 with a Cloth Doll

What better way is it to celebrate Valentine's Day than to make the people you love happy? Even before hitting the middle week of December 2013, I and Mr. Lucas, had already made our 2014 goals. Making a Gingermelon doll on or before Valentine's Day is one of those. It's the start for the big plan I'm cooking.

Philippines Cloth Doll
My husband tirelessly reminded me of the deadline since last week. Haha. He was worried I might not be able to keep my promise. So I started printing out the pattern last week. But I'm a sleepy head so I would sleep in the mornings...The pattern, remained 'just' a pattern until Monday.

When I officially hit sewing, I realized I wasn't really good at embroidery. Aww~~ It took me a day to finish the pupils of the doll. The irises, a day after that. 

I don't have a sewing machine, so everything had to be done by hand + my playtime with Geo + chores + appointments + deadlines. There was no way I could finish by Valentine's Day! But a magical thing happened...Everything suddenly seemed easy after I saw Mr. Lucas's smile after seeing the hairless doll. I felt inspired to finish it. I couldn't believe he would be charmed by that little cloth doll Laura /lo-ra/.

Getting her hair and dress done seemed pretty fast this morning; I got her ready by lunch. I didn't have good fabric, so I drew some small leaves and berried on a muslin using Sharpie. 

Laura is about a ruler tall.. She is my daughter's third doll. 

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